The history of human beings has always been made of small steps, on endless paths.
A new history for Italy has just begun, on brand new paths, some never explored before. Italy is starting again, while LMA has never stopped.
At the end of 2019, a few weeks after the global emergency explosion, we have increased our fleet of machinery with the purchase of the brand new Dinomax, FPT stable: 5 continuous axes, very recently installed, for a range of 6200x3500x1300, with spindle at 28000 rpm and power at 100 Kw.
And after a few months, another new machine comes to embellish LMA’s production sector: in fact, we are completing the excavation of the hole that is going to host Fidia’s D321, also with 5 continuous axes, with a range of measures 3000x2200x1100, spindle at 24000 rpm and power development of 55Kw.
LMA wants to be an active part of this new Italian history, made up of men and women, professionals who want to improve the world with their work, with careful investments and with an enlightened use of the most advanced technology.
Despite the shadows of the present and riding the news of tomorrow, LMA continues to work on continuous start-ups, upgrades and releases, convinced that it is the only tool to support the market. And that’s not all.
Even as it comes to owning one of the only two machines of its kind in Europe.
Italy will start again, while LMA will continue to look ahead, pushing its production capacity to the maximum, constantly feeding research, evaluating new possible investments and new ambitious projects. Discover all our technologies on
Human beings need new spaces, want new horizons, learn to know and discover the world, to improve it, to deliver it to the future more beautiful than it has inherited it.
The history of human beings has always been made of small steps, on endless paths. That’s history. And LMA has always been ready to make great steps, on precise paths. That’s our story.

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