When ideas take shape they lead to marvellous projects.
A lunch meeting full of stimuli and good inspirations for LMA at the Piazza dei Mestieri.
During this informal meeting between Cristina and Fulvio Boscolo with friends and professionals, Giovanni Clot and Ilaria Poggio, who, starting from social aspects, have set up an ‘arsenal of beauty’: young talents who, in Piazza dei Mestieri, can find a place to grow, both in private life and professionally. A school of knowledge and life that provides interesting job opportunities. A space in which the concept of beauty, harmony of the environment, and respect for structures are the founding educational and training pillars to support the hope and future of young people who live in situations that are preciously different from those we are used to.
LMA and Piazza dei Mestieri have many parts of the same puzzle in common: attention to social issues as an element of inclusion and aggregation, of value creation. And this is why LMA has been the financial partner of Piazza dei Mestieri for some years now.
Today, after several years of collaboration, new and enterprising projects of great future stimuli are taking shape. Social inclusion so as not to disband, training to avoid breaking apart, standing out so as not to become extinct. “Beauty will save the world” quotes a painting in Piazza dei Mestieri.
This must be the mantra and slogan of future projects that are now starting to take shape, coming from this lively and stimulating meeting!


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