LMA is the winner of the 2016 “Chiave a Stella” award, promoted by Api Torino, Magnetto Foundation and the newspaper la Repubblica with the collaboration of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, UniCredit, Unioncamere Piemonte and Confapi Piemonte. The Award has the scientific support of the Polytechnic and University of Turin.
“The value of a sentiment is the amount of sacrifice you are prepared to make for it.” (John Galsworthy)
The secret of this recognition is in this sentence … because behind our working reality, in the heart of the LMA, daily sacrifice and courage are combined with the value and principles of our family and of the people who, like us, believe in future growth projects.
Actions are much more effective if they are backed by the force of sacrifice and the weight of the difficulties faced with determination, humility and strength in combining traditional values, founded by our father, with our new generation thinking coming from the concept that we don’t have to wait for the future, but design it day by day using a constantly evolving cultural process that aims at strong entrepreneurship, adaptive capacity and timely response to a market that is the heart of business.

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