We are returning to the event of 23th July promoted by the Circolo delle Imprese and hosted by LMA, because, after the euphoria of the event, it seems to us that it is time to review its contents. In the news on our website, you will find brief summaries of the speeches by the two MPs Massimiliano Salini and Mario Mauro, but here we would like to share with all of you the primary message of that evening, or rather the objective for which LMA also wished to organise it: a direct, frank meeting between politics, entrepreneurs, associations and the academic world. Mr. Salini summed it up as follows: ‘It is the link between the various industrial sectors that defines the possibility of a sustainable industrial policy. Also in reviewing the vicissitudes of the New European Space Programme, for which he is rapporteur, Mr. Salini reiterated the extent to which politics must have a thorough understanding of what it intends to represent: “Those who have an interest to defend must go into politics,” where the political interest must be the desire for the realities of the economic and social fabric, such as businesses, to succeed. “If you don’t know the reality you represent, you can’t have that kind of interest”. With his usual passion, Mr. Mario Mauro also outlined the general framework of this indispensable interrelation: “Businesses must keep each other company in order to realise their projects, but everything must be supported by the public hand of politics”, which has the task of getting to know the needs of each individual and then pursuing the common good. If they are made in this spirit, then they can be defined as ‘Good Laws’. “It is important that the institutions enter the factories,’ Fulvio Boscolo argued, ‘to build a policy to support those who govern the economy. We need to question ourselves, we need comparisons like those of the 23 July event, to find a common path together”.


We would like to add a few more highlights from the speeches:


Hon. Mario Mauro.

“Businesses must join forces to realise their projects, but everything must be supported by the strength of the public/political hand”.

“Politics must unite the various realities, in order to achieve an impact that results in a common good”.

“Especially after this latest global suffering, linked to the pandemic emergency, we must all come together to see the stars again, but all of us better”.

“Good laws are those that trigger dynamics of excellence and community. Good laws are those that trigger dynamics of excellence and community. Politics does things better if it does things together with those who do things, i.e. with those who do business.

“The common good is not simply the average of the interests at stake, but the affirmation of a greater principle, which includes the needs of all: realities such as the Circolo delle Imprese brings together companies from every work segment, which represent precisely the sense of a Common Good Chain, where there should be no preferences of any kind, but where politics, in order to achieve the common need, must instead understand the individual needs, distinguishing them and then reassembling them in a single context”.


Hon. Massimiliano Salini.

“Those who have an interest to defend must go into politics, where interest means the desire to succeed for all the realities represented. If you don’t know the reality you represent, you don’t have this kind of interest to defend.

“Having relationships with risk-takers puts you in the same position of risk, but at the same time, by taking risks together, you make the country grow.

“It is the nexus between the various industrial sectors that defines the possibility of a sustainable industrial policy”.

“There is no valid synthesis process without a process of constant identification, not through sentimentality, but through concrete initiatives, such as events like this one. The event of dialogue and confrontation itself becomes a productive process, even if it has caused the machines to temporarily stop working. Politics can be incisive if it enters companies to get to know them, and then defend them”.


Fulvio Boscolo, CEO of LMA srl.

“We opened our doors with pleasure and enthusiasm to the 150 plus guests at the event. We consider this a gesture of even deeper intention: we really want to create the conditions for a constructive and synergistic opening”.


Councillor Andrea Tronzano.

“Thank you to Dr Boscolo, who has a company that is one of the Piedmontese examples of how strong the productive fabric of Piedmont can be: a company that is rooted in the territory, but at the same time international. So thank you very much for what you are doing, for the people you employ in your company, for those you will employ, because you are really doing a great job. So, congratulations.

“Aerospace is a decisive, transversal and fundamental cluster within the Piedmontese economy, together with the automotive sector.”


Alessandro Fiorentino.

“The Circolo delle Imprese is a free, associative and cultural reality, which seven years ago began a journey to enhance the entrepreneurial talents of Italian manufacturing. It is an association that has focused mainly on networking”.


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