The wonder of dissimilar, unpredictable, anomalous paths of life.
There are situations that are preciously different from the canons to which we are accustomed that are illuminated simply by standing out from the usual. But only those who are extremely perceptive may grasp the myriad of nuances arising from such.
A time of quality what LMA gives to its personnel this Christmas. Corporate team building on the concept of limits articulated in various nuances.
Over 100 personnel were present along with 4 entities that LMA has met, come to know and strongly supports! It was a pleasure and a thrill to have our friends with us: Briccodolce, CasaOz, Insuperabili and Piazza dei Mestieri.
“Beauty will save the world,” said Dostoevsky, a quote to be repeated like a mantra. Together came the desire to celebrate beauty—to be together, to share, to create synergies, to be passionate about situations that are dear to our heart and worth investing in. Today, more than ever, cultural change and a renewal of relations is needed. This is the real secret of transformation for LMA! The decision was made to raise public awareness regarding listening and communication to improve empathy and contact between the members of the various teams, in order to overcome their limits and use such as a starting point in order to improve even more. Growing as a team facilitates achieving ambitious goals and overcoming seemingly impossible challenges.
So what better time than Christmas to share, excite and unite?
It is during a period of great serenity that messages of solidarity must make way, to lead towards and create synergies for future horizons.
A team building endeavour that celebrates the beauty of being attentive to that which the other is, what the other does for me and what the other creates with me. It is also worthwhile to be armed and to set out to gather an arsenal of beauty with ardour and enthusiasm.

Team Building on the concept of Limits

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